It's come to my attention that the vagina has become the new symbol for sexy women in pop. For some this may come as a shock as it was just last season that the ass was on display in the pop windows. It seems as though we've covered all the bases and have gradually moved to the most redeeming quality of young women today: their vaginas. This unyielding display and gyration of the vagina is not deemed a set back for these pop idols. Instead the vagina becomes the new bra to be burnt as a claim to being a female. Liberated from the phallus that asked us ever so indecently to spread open our legs and allow them into a secret world, lined with crimson velvet and enveloping ones senses. When yes means no, and sex means nothing. The pop world thrives on titillation: empowerment through exploitation. Money, money, money, always sunny! In the rich man's world!
Image Credit: scrapatorium.
Image Credit: scrapatorium.